Special Educational Needs (SEN) & Inclusion
At Ongar Place we provide a fully inclusive education for all the children. Our aim is to identify a child’s special educational needs as early as possible, so that planned intervention can take place, in order to address the specific, individual needs of the child. We believe every child has the right to a broad and balanced curriculum, where they are given opportunities to develop their individual talents. We provide a happy, positive and caring ethos where children can feel safe and secure.
Where a child has a more specific physical, emotional or learning need we aim to offer support and encouragement to the parents and child, in a sensitive and understanding atmosphere, that is positive and reassuring. We believe the links between parents and school are crucial, at any stage of identifying and supporting special educational needs. We have an experienced staff team who provide support for children with social and emotional difficulties and those with medical needs, including children with physical disabilities.
At Ongar Place our Special Educational Needs policy is linked to the Government Code of Practice. Any child giving cause for concern is brought to the attention of the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator by the class teacher or parents. Working in partnership with the class teacher and parents we will assess the child using a combination of formal and informal assessments. An Individual Educational Plan is then drawn up which identifies individual and specific learning targets for the child to work towards. This plan is monitored and reviewed termly and parents are kept regularly informed of their children’s progress.